To design astable multivibrator using 555 timer IC

Y-Shift X-Shift

  • mV/div  CH1  V/div
  • TIME(ms/div)
  • mV/div  CH2  V/div

Potentiometer (KΩ)
A     B     C
A     C
A     C
  1. Click on the components button to place the component.
  2. Make connections as per the circuit diagram and pin diagram.
  3. Fig. 1 Circuit diagram of astable multivibrator
    Fig. 2 Pin diagram of IC 555
  4. Click on Check Connections button. If connections are right, click on ‘OK’, then Simulation will become active.
  5. Set R1= 5 kΩ by using potentiometer knob.
  6. Connect CH1/CH2 of C.R.O. to output terminal of the circuit.
  7. Observe output wave on C.R.O by adjusting C.R.O channel CH1/CH2 and TIME knobs.
  8. Use X Shift and Y Shift buttons for wave shifting.
  9. Measure the frequency of output wave at C.R.O.
  10. Fill the observation table by required values.
  11. Repeat steps 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 for the different values of R1= 10 kΩ, 15 kΩ and 20 kΩ.
  12. Compare both experimental and theoretical frequencies.
S.No. R1 (KΩ) R2 (KΩ) C (nf) Theoretical Frequency (Hz) Duty Cycle(%) Experimental Frequency (Hz)