1. Problem 1:

    The task is to accomplish addition of two large positive numbers

    Input Specification

    There will be two positive integers (< 10^50) separated by a space.

    Output Specification

    Output must contain a single number representing the sum of the two integers

    Sample Input and Output

    Input: 323289329329392893 3283928392839283928932329
    Input: 10 99
    Output: 109

  2. Problem 2:

    Find the square root of a positive integer using binary search

    Input Specification

    Input will contain a single positive integer N input from keyboard, lesser than 10^9.

    Output Specification

    Print the square root of the number upto 4 decimal places . A difference upto 0.001 from the the judges solution will be accepted as correct

    Sample Input and Output

    Input: 5
    Input: 25
    Output: 5.0000