  • The given model consists of 6 parts:
    a. Shoulder
    b. Arm
    c. Elbow
    d. Fore-arm
    e. Wrist
    f. alm
  • The model is made of two parts: The joints, i.e. the shoulder, elbow and wrist are just empty containers that contain other objects nested within them. Shoulder is at the highest level of hierarchy (Level 1), containing arm and elbow as its children. Elbow is 2nd level, containing Forearm and Wrist as its children. Finally, wrist, at Level 3, has palm as its child.
  • When transformations are applied to an object at a higher level of hierarchy, the animations are applied to its descendants as well.
  • Therefore, in this case, when the slider corresponding to shoulder (level 1) is moved, all the objects (levels 1, 2 and 3) are moved. Similarly, when the slider corresponding to elbow is moved, objects in levels 2 and 3 move.
  • We can observe the values of the transformation matrix changing with change in the position of the slider. This is the matrix with which the point’s homogeneous coordinates are multiplied to generate the new coordinates (that produces the scaling effect).
  • We can move the slider forwards and backwards any number of times, change the no. of frames and the scaling factors in the X, Y and Z directions in between as well. The slider and animation adjusts itself accordingly.
  • You can add new shapes by clicking on the “Add” button with options to select the type of shape and position. Multiple shapes may be added.
  • Double click on the object to select it and enable the edit and delete buttons. Clicking on the edit button allows you to edit the object’s properties. Similarly, clicking on the delete button deletes the selected object.
  • Check the corresponding checkboxes to display the xy-grid, yz-grid and xz-grid and similarly uncheck to remove them from view.
  • Enabling the Lock Vertices option allows you to translate the whole simulation on left-clicking and dragging the cursor.
Display Settings
Shape Controls

Translation Controls
X: Y: Z:
Animation Controls
Level 1 (Shoulder) Level 2 (Elbow) Level 3 (Wrist)